Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I picked up my room mate, and her "sister" I put this in quotation marks because they aren't blood related.

She is a firm believer in Christianity, and is drunk on alcohol.
She comes into my home, and puts down my religion.
She was more than hurtful in her words.
She tells me she has a really good Muslim friend and they talk all the time.
So I asked her the difference between being born Muslim and converting to it.
Her husband is beating her, and thats all she can see. Is the violence of CULTURE and not the peace of ISLAM!
This ABUSER has not one Muslim bone in his body.
Please refer to my post about women in Islam. OR even do your own research into how high women are held in ISLAM!
I don't judge you and you beliefs just because others of your same school of thought are bad people, or do bad things. I don't judge you at all.
She said she was worried about my safety. Don't worry deal lady, there is no need to worry about my safety. If any man were to lay a finger on me, I would not stick around for him to lay a hand. Islam does not tell me to stay married to an abuser, it tells me to stay married to a man of Islam which is a WAY OF LIFE and not culture.
Thank you for your concern dear lady, but my creator will keep me safe.

I will be more than glad to answer sincere questions, but do not mock me.
I guess all I can say is astaghfurallah.
I can be sure to expect a lot of this in the coming months and years, but you know what?
It's all worth it Alhamdulilah.
May Allah help me gain the knowledge to defend this WAY OF LIFE against THE CULTURE.