Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If you want some more information on why I embraced Islam, here are some of the key places I started!


I picked up my room mate, and her "sister" I put this in quotation marks because they aren't blood related.

She is a firm believer in Christianity, and is drunk on alcohol.
She comes into my home, and puts down my religion.
She was more than hurtful in her words.
She tells me she has a really good Muslim friend and they talk all the time.
So I asked her the difference between being born Muslim and converting to it.
Her husband is beating her, and thats all she can see. Is the violence of CULTURE and not the peace of ISLAM!
This ABUSER has not one Muslim bone in his body.
Please refer to my post about women in Islam. OR even do your own research into how high women are held in ISLAM!
I don't judge you and you beliefs just because others of your same school of thought are bad people, or do bad things. I don't judge you at all.
She said she was worried about my safety. Don't worry deal lady, there is no need to worry about my safety. If any man were to lay a finger on me, I would not stick around for him to lay a hand. Islam does not tell me to stay married to an abuser, it tells me to stay married to a man of Islam which is a WAY OF LIFE and not culture.
Thank you for your concern dear lady, but my creator will keep me safe.

I will be more than glad to answer sincere questions, but do not mock me.
I guess all I can say is astaghfurallah.
I can be sure to expect a lot of this in the coming months and years, but you know what?
It's all worth it Alhamdulilah.
May Allah help me gain the knowledge to defend this WAY OF LIFE against THE CULTURE.

A Poem from Me to My Father...

You look at me like I’ve lost my mind,

And maybe you are disinclined.

Stuck on the branch, until I was ripe,

Don’t think I did it just for the hype.

There is no joke, there is no man,

There is only me, and my Iman (ee’man meaning faith)

I am your still your daughter

Nothing will change

No need to spray me with holy water.

I’m sorry dear daddy for making you glum

But you have to accept me, for what I’ve become

Nothing you say will change my mind,

So open your eyes and don’t be blind.

I need your love, now and forever

Because this is truly my endeavor.

If you should turn me away for the long run,

Never forget that our ties can never be undone.

For blood is thicker than water

And I will always be your daughter.

Dad, whatever you may think, whatever you may do, in the end I will ALWAYS be there for you.

One Month and the parents are well aware...sort of..

So I told my parents.
About reverting to Islam that is.

Well I sort of told them. What happened was my step sister was on msn, and my father was sitting beside her. She was one of the first people I told. She is agnostic but fully supports me in my decision.
She was the one that told my father. At first he thought it was a joke, then he thought I did it for a man.
No dear father I did it for me. But he cannot understand it. He thinks I will grow out of it.
NEWS FLASH DADDY! You will see me in Hijab one day. See the thing is, he is VERY VERY Racist and prejudice. I do not hold it against him.... He was raised by his parents who are the same. Inshallah every new generation of people will become more tolerant of others. He will not accept it for a long time. He thinks all Muslims are dirty. You know what? It's hard to blame him where there are so many people out there that call themselves Muslim but don't have a Muslim bone in their body! (Meaning they don't live Islamically, they live culturally.) Moving along... I told my father, but was even more scared to tell my mother, and my aunt whom she lives with. Why? Well because they are both born again Christians!! I was scared that they would try and pray demons out of me for accepting Islam. When my mother found out, she was in shock. She also thought I had done it for a man, and said she hoped I would grow out of it. Alhamdulilah she is not like my father, and actually listened to my reasoning. She was upset needless to say. My Aunt, who is the MOST religious person, was actually the one that was most accepting of it. She told my mom that " God works in mysterious ways, let her be" MASHALLAH!!! I have the support of the two most important people in my life!!!
So far I have told many people... one by one, my step sister, my sister, my cousin, my room mates, all of whom have been so supportive. I told many of my friends at school Mashallah. My extended family does not know, except for one Aunt, who basically told me she thought all Muslims are filth (my Dad's sister, see it runs in the family)
I am making new Muslim friends everyday and I feel truly blessed by Allah.

If you have any questions PLEASE don't hesitate to ask!!!! May Allah Bless you!

The Way I Am Dressed

I cannot take credit for this poem. I don't know who wrote it but may Allah bless them!!

You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,

My body's not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold,

I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave,
It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,
I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,

"O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,
It's a Law from God that I obey,

Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got,
It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper, the right to grow,

I can climb mountains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees,
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY,
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me!

Women in Islam

This was a response to a question from a newly converted sister, asking about why men can have up to four wives, and women could not marry more than one man.

I am no scholar, and I am new to Islam (about a month)

But one of the biggest things that I like to discuss are in fact women's rights in Islam.

There are many questions I have received from friends and family members since my conversion and most of them have been related to this topic.

some of the main questions from people who know little about Islam were: "Won't your husband be oppressive, and isn't the hijab oppressive? wont your husband beat you?"

Please, ladies, know your rights in Islam! Men are not allowed to beat women in Islam. In fact IF they DO touch you, they can't even leave a mark on your skin, there should not even be a red mark (you know, that fades away in seconds)

The hijab is a woman's choice, it is not forced upon them. Anyone that forces their women to wear it is ruled by culture, and not by Islam.
Most women make the choice to wear hijab because it FREES them from oppression. Do you truly think a half naked woman sitting on a car to SELL the car is not oppression? Women being used as sexual objects? A woman in Hijab is looked at with the highest respect, and for her mind, and not her beauty.

About men being allowed 4 wives.Do you think a woman would really want four husbands? Would YOU want 4 husbands to take care of at the end of the day?! Its hard enough caring for one! (laundry, dinner, ETC), Also how would you know which man was the father of you child?:S
The whole reason behind men being allowed 4 wives is for social needs. In the times of the Prophet (peace be upon him) there was a lot of war. Men would leave their wives and kids and not return home. What were these women supposed to do to care for her family? there was no social support in those days. Everything about Islam is an answer to a problem. You don't see too many Muslim men taking more than one wife these days because he has to treat each one equally. That means, a house for each wife, he has to spend the same amount of time with each wife, therefore you have to be WELL OFF in order to do this. And in fact, while polygamy is allowed, even Allah SWT in the quran says one is better.

another question I get is this " If a father dies, why does the son get more than the daughter?" In the Quran, it says that the son is to receive double of what the daughter would get. HOW IS THIS FAIR??? Well I will tell you how it is fair. The Quaran also says that the son must care for all the women in his family until his sisters are married, and if the mother doesn't remarry it is the son's responsibility to care for her entirely, just as his father did. That means, any money that he received, he will likely not see a penny of it for himself after he cares for his sisters and mother. ALSO the money the daughter receives is her in its entirety. While the son is paying for her living expenses and food, the money she gets, she may spend on whatever she likes, it is hers and nobody can touch it. Now does that seem fair?

How about women in Islam that don't have jobs and slave away at home. Well, that is the woman's choice. A woman can either work, or stay at home and care for her children. Since it is the man's duty to provide for his family, the woman usually prefers to watch her kids grow, then to have them in daycare while she makes money. If she does decide to work however, any of the money she makes is hers to spend on whatever she likes, and she does not have to put a single penny of it towards the household.

Women in Islam are seen as more precious then diamonds and pears. We are held high. Is is US that carry life inside of us for 9 months, it is us that raise the children.

Allah (SWT) gives men and women equality or rights. We as women however are not the same as men. Men were made to be able to provide for a family, to be strong in times of need, to be the king of the home. But as history tells this story, No king can run a country without a right hand. No palace can stand without a pillar. We my sister, are the pillars for our men.

I am sorry for going on like this, May Allah guide you to the truth. Aameen